Visita a las instalaciones de la multinacional Miele.
28 October 2015

For the next few years, a transformation process is expected in the Galician industry, with the name of ”Factory of the Future” will represent a huge potential for the economy. This transformation will change the way of design and manufacture products and the concept of currently factory.

CEAGA is preparing for the development of this optimized industry and, therefore, made a trip to Germany, accompanied by the Galician government, technological centers and other Galician clusters to know at first-hand the advances made by three reference multinationals facing the Industry 4.0.

From October 26th to 28th, representatives of the Galician Automotive Sector visited the facilities of Miele, Siemens and BMW, in addition of meeting with top-level executives from the processes departments, in order to verify the implementation of new intelligent technologies to the production factory.

This meeting is part of the Competitiveness Agenda Galicia-Industry 4.0, launched by the Galician regional government, which defines the clusters and technological centers as a lever to transfer the new technologies to Galician SMEs.