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CEAGA Corporate University represents a firm commitment to automotive differential and strategic training.


Training catalogue specifically designed by and for the automotive sector

The UCC’s training programmes combine tactical training, to meet the current training needs of the companies, with programmes with a more strategic focus to actively contribute to the long term competitiveness of the sector.

The UCC develops a large part of its training activity in the plants of the Cluster member companies, as well as through the execution of projects, being a clear example and reference of “learning in action”.

The training given by UCC, while being mainly aimed at professionals working for CEAGA member companies, keeps an open door to the participation of professionals from other sectors and, in particular, to postgraduates and unemployed technicians, in order to favour their entry into the labour market.

In the context of the digitization of training, the UCC has a catalogue of online courses aimed mainly at the requalification and recycling of workers. Thanks to an agreement signed with the Xunta de Galicia, more than 60 subsidized training courses related to different transversal themes and others of a more technical nature are offered. With this new modality, the UCC offers face-to-face training, virtual classroom, teletraining and mixed.

CEAGA Corporate University’s value proposition:

Close connection to business reality

The UCC’s teaching panel is mostly made up of active professionals with a strong expertise in the automotive sector. The optimal adjustment to the sector needs is ensured trough continuous interaction with the cluster companies.

Truly practical and applied training

UCC students work in teams on projects and real cases with set objectives and targets responding to the actual needs of companies.

A window to the outside world

The UCC encourages and promotes the openness to other activities and industries, through the participation of external speakers and students from outside the industry, as well as through visits to plants of other sectors.

Strong networking

The courses, programmes and sessions organised by UCC promote and foster the creation of collaboration networks between teachers, students and companies, which go beyond the academic area, thereby responding to one of CEAGA´s primary mandates: to foster industrial competitiveness through collaboration.

Internal and external recognition

The pursuit of excellence in the various training programmes offered by UCC has contributed to its recognition. In 2013, the UCC was awarded the “Excellence in Practice Award”, for its Management and Development of New Products Programme, by the prestigious European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). 

Subsidized training

Thanks to a collaboration agreement with the Ministry of Employment Promotion and Equality of the Xunta de Galicia, the UCC receives Next Generation funds to offer subsidized training to the Sector in face-to-face, virtual classroom, teletraining and mixed modality.

Training offer

Universidad Corporativa CEAGA

This initiative comes at the request of companies in the Galician automotive and mobility industry; they saw the need for a driving force for sector-wide change, with a view to the present and, above all, to the future. They needed a model which would be responsive to the changing needs of the companies, with a pre-eminently practical approach.

See training offer

Mantenimiento Neumático

de 17 February 2025 a 27 February 2025

40 hours

3 February 2025


Gestión del tiempo. Primero, lo primero

de 18 February 2025 a 19 February 2025

12 hours

4 February 2025