22 July 2020

CEAGA launched, on March 10th, a network to share good practices with the fundamental objective of preserving the health of workers, preventing the spread of the coronavirus and exchanging, at the sectoral level, the different measures implemented by companies in different areas such as work or prevention.

124 professionals from CEAGA companies participated in this network, which closed the cycle of periodic online meetings yesterday, sharing information in more than 30 teleconferences. It also had the collaboration of different experts and organizations of interest such as the “Instituto de Seguridad y Salud Laboral de Galicia (ISSGA)”, Sergas, Mutua Universal or experts in labor law.

Within the framework of this initiative, different work subgroups have emerged, such as the one carried out by the preventive protocol of sectoral reference, another that coordinated a grouped purchase of protection equipment or others arising from the importance of developing the production capacity of hydroalcohol within CEAGA’s own companies or to manufacture face masks nearby.

Thanks to this group, therefore, important initiatives for the Sector began at a critical moment, which caused this network to be identified as good practice and shared internationally with the European Clusters Alliance and presented to the President of the Galician Government , Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

Due to the good reception that the network has had among the companies of the Cluster, among the next steps, it was agreed to continue holding meetings when any important issue arises, to continue analyzing the evolution of the situation and increase the level of business collaboration in this important affair.