23 July 2015

Inside the BenchManager Program, organized by CEAGA, the competitiveness report was presented to the participating companies. This document measures the evolution of the level of sectoral competitiveness through the years.

The new document reflects how CEAGA companies have improved, compared to previous years, their main quality levels: quality suppliers, internal quality, scrap and customer quality. Moreover, the companies have kept their stock levels or even reduce them.

In addition to monitoring the quality and logistics ratios, this report also measures the evolution in areas such as human resources, productivity, finance or maintenance.

The BenchManager is one of the longest projects of CEAGA, with 12 editions. This project allows the companies the quantification of their competitive situation among the rest of the Cluster companies on the base of a set of indicators and better Lean practices adapted to the needs and particularities of the sector and, in addition, offers an evolution of the level of competitiveness of the sector.