Profesionales del Sector trabajando en una de las diez mesas de trabajo.
5 February 2016

More than 100 companies of the Galician Automotive Sector met, on February 1st, in the first working session of the new strategic plan of the Sector, which is called the ”Third Action Plan to improve the competitiveness of the Galician Automotive Sector – Vision 2025 (P3CA) ”. This plan comes as a continuation of PESA (2006-2011) and PAC (2012-2015).

The opening ceremony included speeches by the CEAGA’s President, José Luciano Martinez Covelo; the Director of PSA Peugeot Citroën Vigo; Yann Martin; and the Regional Minister of Economy, Employment and Industry, Francisco Conde, which has shown once again its support to the Galician automotive industry. Then, the participants could see at first hand the vision of Mike Rosenberg, IESE international expert on ”The automotive on the horizon 2025”, which defined the competitive keys to the Galician industry in the coming period.

In the event was also presented the strategic framework of the plan, a document which contains the contributions from the CEAGA companies, with the objective to identify new opportunities, analyse, adapt resources and business processes to competitive advantages that they offer and prepare simultaneously to restart a new cycle. This document will form the basis for the further development of the plan and it has identified the main challenges to be addressed by the industry.

The second part of the event consisted on the organization of ten working groups, with a specific methodology, where industry professionals with extensive experience in various functional areas contributed with their ideas and knowledge to design new programs to be implemented in the Sector next five years. Of these tables will go out the new cooperative action plans that CEAGA will impulse to improve the competitiveness of the automotive companies.

With all these contributions from industry professionals, it will continue working on the new plan, which will be finalized and will be presented to the companies on March 16th. From that date it will begin to be implemented the new cooperative projects.