14 February 2014

As part of its program of overseas grants, the Barrié Foundation, in collaboration with CEAGA, announced, for the first time, two specific grants in the automotive sector: one of them to take a master related to the automotive industry and the other one consisting on a predoctoral grant to facilitate the international mobility of doctoral students in order to develop a relevant research for the Galician Automotive Sector.

The General Manager of Barrié Foundation, Javier López Martínez, explains that ”this specialization responds to the interest of the Foundation in generating the greatest possible impact on the economic and social fabric of our environment, supporting the talent of professionals of a priority sector for Galicia ”.

The objectives of these grants are the following:

-To support the development of Galician professionals in an area with high added value for the industry such as the logistics of the supply chain.
-To provide new knowledge and tools to the companies of the Galician Automotive Cluster for the management of the supply chain and logistics flows.

Indirectly, it is intended to impact on the competitiveness and sustainability of the Galician Automotive by:

– Identifying opportunities for improvement and development of a sectorial action plan in the supply chain area.
– Increasing the flexibility of the supply chain.
– Increasing competitiveness in terms of cost reduction.
– Developing the main value chain both, horizontally and vertically.
– Strengthening sectorial cooperation.

Although other candidatures will be considered, the most suitable profile for these grants is that of a Superior Industrial Engineer with knowledge of logistics and of the automotive industry.

The registration date is open until March 31st 2014 at 23.00 hours and the application must be completed directly through the website of Barrié Foundation (www.fundacionbarrie.org).