Alumnos de la Universidad Corporativa CEAGA en las instalaciones de Finsa.
30 April 2014

Last Friday April 25th, the students of the fourth edition of the “Management and Development of New Products” Program visited the facilities of Finsa, which manufactures a broad variety of wood products, in Santiago de Compostela.

The tour started in the sawmill, where the logs are prepared and cut and classified the first boards, separating those to be sold directly from those that need treatment or processing. Then, the students had the opportunity to see the process of the agglomerate’s transformation (boards without cover) and melamines (boards with cover). The visit finalized with a tour around the facilities manufacturing the furniture ready for sale.

With this new visit, students of the fourth edition of the GDNP Program continue to make practical activities to improve their training and learn more about the reality of other sectors.