19 October 2016

18 Sector professionals involved in the training, which started this morning, “The Purchasing Manager of the Factory of the Future”, organized by the CEAGA Corporate University. This training program is aimed at all those people performing functions in the area of purchases in their companies and, in particular, responsible for purchasing in the automotive industry.

The necessary transition to the ”Factory of the Future” will require that the professionals and managers have certain knowledge, resources and skills to actively contribute to this new more advanced industry. Therefore, CEAGA Corporate University has launched a training program that presents the latest trends and key aspects of the purchasing function.

The main objectives of the program are: to provide the participant knowledge, skills and techniques that allow to convert to the purchasing function into a tool of competitive advantage for the company, besides making available a forum to share and identify experiences and opportunities for collaboration in the field of purchasing in the sectorial and transectorial level.

Participants will receive seven training sessions until November 24th, which the course ends.

This Program has been designed based on the third Strategic Plan for competitive improvement of the Galician Automotive Sector 2016-2020 and in collaboration with AERCE, reference entity for purchasing professionals in Spain, and is funded by IGAPE, the Galician Government and the FSE.