Red CEAGA 4.0
28 March 2019

The Cluster of Automotive Companies of Galicia (CEAGA) launched, with the support of the Program of Support for Innovative Business Groups (AEI) of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, the ”Industry 4.0 Transformation Program”, to help SMEs in their digitization processes.

The initiative, in which 12 SMEs participated, included the completion of a diagnosis and a roadmap 4.0 to strengthen its digital transformation, meeting the objectives in terms of competitiveness, efficiency and productivity, as well as support for the implementation of specific solutions or pilots in any of the cases. The ultimate goal of the program was to stimulate industrial digitalization and help SMEs in the Automotive Sector of Galicia generate more added value.

After participating in this initiative, companies have up-to-date information on their real situation regarding Industry 4.0, as well as their digital maturity index, which has allowed them to develop a specific strategy to implement solutions 4.0 in their plants.

The program also included the creation of a network of experts in Industry 4.0, CEAGA 4.0 Network, formed by representatives of the participating companies, with the aim of piloting the digital transformation model in companies, enriching this model through collaboration and exchange experiences.

The ”Industry 4.0 Transformation Program” is framed in the third Strategic Plan for the Competitive Improvement of the Automotive Sector of Galicia, P3CA, in the area of Industry 4.0, competitiveness and productive excellence.