Jornada sobre el futuro de la motorización verde celebrada en Eslovenia.
16 May 2011

In the last months, PROSESC (Producer Services and Competitiveness for European Sustainability), funded by the INTERREG IVC Programme of the European Commission, has carried out a strategy for the development of workshops and conferences concerning issues of sustainable mobility and competitiveness of road transport.

Last May 10th, CEAGA participated in Slovenia in the project’s Mid-Term conference organized by PROSESC. The central focus of the conference was “Green powertrains for the Future” and the event was inaugurated by Slovenia’s Prime Minister, Borut Pahor. During his remarks, he clearly stated Slovenia´s intent to become a referent in transport sustainability in the European Union.

Other participants included Mr. Golobiča Gregor (Minister for higher education, research and technology of Slovenia) and Dr. Wolfgang Staiger (Chairman of European Road Transport Research Advisory Council, ERTRAC and Director of Future Technologies at the External Relations Department of Volkswagen Group).

The PROSESC project seeks to establish working groups to analyze producer services in detail, to identify and exchange good practices and to seek policy improvements, always under the sustainability line.

If you wish more information, do not hesitate to contact us:

Abel Tintos
Tel. 986 213 790