In the context of II Clusters National Conference, that took place last September 18th and 19th in Zaragoza, a consortium formed by the automotive clusters of Galicia (CEAGA), País Vasco (ACICAE), Comunidad Valenciana (AVIA), Aragón (CAAR), Cantabria (GIRA) and Castilla y León (FaCyl) won the award “Ibercaja 2014 for business collaboration”. The award was presented by Luisa Fernanda Rudi, President of the Government of Aragon.
The winning project is about the realization of a broad comparative in terms of Human Resources in 81 automotive companies in Spain. This study has identified, through a management tool, the performance of human capital initiatives following size segments and geographic areas, identifying areas for improvement in the companies, through the comparison of best practices.
The jury highlighted the innovative nature of the project, which involved leading automotive companies in Spain, such as: PSA Peugeot Citroën, Iveco, Nissan, Denso, TRW or Gestamp, among others.
The award ceremony took place at the II Clusters National Conference, which attended more than 150 professionals in the management of these organizations and technicians of the regional, Spanish and European public administrations, who talked about the future and new role of the clusters in the economical and social context.
Clusters.es is the new name of FENAEIC, the Spanish Federation of Innovative Business Groups and Clusters (CEAGA participates in its Board), which started with the aim of promoting, in a collaborative way, the competitiveness and development of the Spanish cluster and institution companies and supporting the excellence in the structures of the clusters organizations.