70 professionals from the Sector followed yesterday, in person and streaming, the second technical conference “Innovative Automotive Projects”, where the results of the collaborative projects managed by CEAGA were presented, within the framework of the aid to the Innovative Business Groups 2022 of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.
At this meeting, innovative projects developed in Cluster companies related to technologies such as artificial vision, cybersecurity, energy efficiency or Big Data were presented.
So, the presented projects were:
- IA4ZERO DEFECTS: development of a quality control system in the final part through the use of artificial intelligence, combined with 3D laser and 2D and 3D vision in order to achieve zero defects in the production of components. Participants: CEAGA, AEI Galicia Digital, Componentes de Vehículos de Galicia, TI Fluid Systems, Unimate Robótica, Inplasor Galicia, Logicmelt, Decuna.
- AUTOPAPERLESS: digitization of the documentation associated with production processes in the automotive industry with the aim of being a “zero paper” factory. Participants: CEAGA. AEI Galicia Digital, Magna Seating Vigo, Adhex Tech Tapes, Ancora, Goycar, ASM.
- FLEX-AUTO: development of an experimental platform for energy flexibility in industrial processes, through modeling of grouped management systems that allow patterns to be detected and suggest flexibility in consumption. Participants: CEAGA, AEI Galicia Digital, Precisgal, Recuperadora Gallega de Disolventes (Regadi), Aludec, Instituto Tecnológico de Galicia (ITG), Bamboo Energy, Nexus Energía.
- DATA LOGISTICS: design and implementation of a comprehensive logistics control panel, which offers updated information in real time. Participants: CEAGA, CIAC, Akwel, Maier Ferroplast, Industrias Proa, T2C.
- SANTI Parte II: development, validation and testing of the industrial cybersecurity system SANTI: Security Analysis of Network Threats. This is the second phase of the project launched in 2021. Participants: CEAGA, CAAR, Drogas Vigo, Inprotech, Adhex Tech Tapes, Inplasor Galicia.
- ECOMOB: design and dynamization of a virtual intercluster community to promote the transition of the automotive sector towards a sustainable and intelligent mobility ecosystem. Participants: CEAGA, CIAC, CAAR, AEI Rioja, AVIA, FACYL.
In addition, the Cluster collaborates in three other projects promoted by the Digital Innovation Hub of the Galician Industry (DIHGIGAL) and other national automotive clusters:
- INTERTECH Phase II: Intersectoral platform for 4.0 solutions and incubator for digitization projects capable of directly connecting the technological supply and demand of any industrial sector in an agile way to promote the digital transformation of companies. The project is led by DIHGIGAL.
- SIROCODIC: project led by the Aragon Automotive and Mobility Cluster for technology research and innovation in collaborative and corrective robotics systems in dynamic environments.
- Automation in JIT environments: project led by the Automotive Cluster of Catalonia (CIAC) for the design and development of a new autonomous container management system in a Just In Time supply environment.
Projects financed by